
The paper (5–7 pages long) is due, as an attachment, via the “Assignments” tool on eCommons, by midnight Tuesday, December 8.

There are two suggested topics, listed here, but if you want to write on another topic relevant to the course, feel free to do so. It might be a good idea, however, in that case, to check with me and/or your TA first (i.e., even before writing your introductory paragraph and outline).

I don’t expect or recommend that you use any sources beyond the texts assigned for the course. If so you must of course make it clear exactly what you are using and how (this applies even if you don’t quote verbatim). Also: whatever topic you choose, and whatever outside material you may use, it should still be clear that the paper was written for this course.[1]If you have any questions about policies on plagiarism and related issues, please see