
Due, as an attachment, via the “Assignments” tool on Canvas, by 11:55pm Tuesday, May 2, in MSWord format or in a format easily convertible to MSWord.

Answer any one of the questions listed here in 2–3 pages (double spaced).

These essay questions are not exactly questions to which there is one correct answer, or at least not questions to which I think I know the one correct answer. Please do your best to back up whatever response you want to make, based on the texts and, if they seem helpful, based on things I said in lecture. As usual, your answer should be your own work. (If you use any outside source — which I don’t really recommend — you must cite it.)

If you have any questions about what plagiarism is or how to avoid it, you can ask me, or consult the resources listed on the Library website.[1] For possible consequences of plagiarism, see the Academic Misconduct Policy.[2]

You can cite any of the assigned readings using just the title and page number. If you cite anything else, use any format you want, just please include enough information that I can find the source if necessary.

You can find answers to some commonly asked questions about my assignments and grading in my FAQ.

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