Phil 144: Early Modern Political Philosophy
Winter, 2019

General Information

Contact Info

Contact Information

 Abe Stone (
 Cowell Annex A-106
Phone (office):
Push notification:
 Notify Abe
Office hours:
 Tues. 11am–12 noon and 5:15–6:15pm, or by appointment

Course Requirements

Course Requirements

Two short papers (2–3 pages), due Monday, February 4 and Monday, March 4 (each worth 25% of the final grade).

One longer paper (6–8 pages) (worth 50% of the final grade), due Wednesday, March 20.

The paper assignments will be available on-line as soon as I have written them, and there will be links to them from this syllabus as well as from my main course page. I will discuss the assignments in class when the due date draws near. You can find answers to some commonly asked questions about my assignments and grading in my FAQ.

Papers are to be handed in, as attachments, via the “Assignments” tool on Canvas. Please submit in PDF or in a format easily convertible to PDF (e.g. MSWord, RTF, plain text, LATEX). The system will accept late submissions, but late papers may not receive full credit. The system is not set up to allow resubmissions: once you press the “submit” button, it will not let you change your response. If, however, you mistakenly submit something and want to change it, please contact me and I can make an exception.

All assignments are due by 11:55pm on the due date.



Hobbes, Leviathan
 (Hackett, 1994) (ISBN: 0872201775).
An older edition is available on Google Books and Wikisource, among other places, and there is a LibriVox recording in two parts: books I and II and books III and IV.
Locke, Political Writings
 (Hackett, 2003) (ISBN: 0872206769).
Older edition of the Two Treatises of Government are available on Google Books (the Second Treatise begins on p. 187) and LibriVox (the Second Treatise begins with section 15); the Second Treatise is also available on Wikisource. The Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina are available at the Avalon Project and on the Internet Archive
Rousseau, Basic Political Writings
 (Hackett, 2012) (ISBN: 1603846735).
The Discourse on Inequality is available (in different translations) on Google Books and Wikisource and there is also a LibriVox recording. Likewise for the Social Contract: Google,Books; Wikisource; LibriVox.

The above texts should be available at the Literary Guillotine, and they will also be put on reserve at McHenry. Other readings will be availble on Canvas.