
Note: this assignment is for students in Group II only.

The assignment is due, as an attachment, via the “Assignments” tool on eCommons, by midnight Thursday, November 12 (in PDF or any format easily converted to PDF, e.g. MSWord, LATEX, RTF, plain text).

Please respond to the following question in approximately two pages (double spaced). (Needless to say this should be your own original work.)

In Ideas §32, Husserl makes a connection between “attempted doubt” and the peculiar modification or change in attitude which he ocalls ἐποχή (epochē). On the other hand, he says that ἐποχή is not exactly the same thing as Descartes’s attempted doubt, because “in the attempt to doubt … the ‘excluding’ is brought about in and with a modification of counter positing, namely the ‘supposition’ of non-being” (p. 59). In other words, Descartes’s attempt to doubt, unlike Husserl’s ἐποχή, involves supposing that our original positing was wrong. How, according to Husserl, is the proposed phenomenological ἐποχή therefore related to (similar to and different from) Descartes’s universal attempted doubt (in procedure, scope, and aim)?