Phil 190: Hegel’s Logic
Winter, 2018

General Information

Contact Info

Contact Information

 Abe Stone (
 Cowell Annex A-106
Phone (office):
Push notification:
 Notify Abe
Office hours:
 Tues. and Thurs., 2–3pm (or by appointment)

Course Requirements

Course Requirements

Attendance and participation in seminar (10%); two short (2-3 page) response/analysis papers, due Thursday, February 8 and Tuesday, February 27 (15% each); take home final exam, due Wednesday, March 21 (60%); optionally, students may choose to write a final paper (approximately 10–15 pages) in place of the take home final, on a topic to be discussed in advance with the instructor. Exams and papers are due, as an attachment, via the “Assignments” tool on Canvas (preferably in PDF, MSWord, RTF, LATEX, or plain text; if you prefer another format, please let me know).



G.W.F. Hegel, The Encyclopaedia Logic
, tr. T.F. Geraets, W.A. Suchting, and H.S. Harris (Hackett) (ISBN: 0872200701).

The above text should be available at the Literary Guillotine and on reserve at McHenry.