Phil 290J: Promises
Fall, 2022

General Information

Contact Info

Contact Information

 Abe Stone (
 Cowell Annex A-106
Phone (office):
Zoom link:
Office hours:

Course Description

Course Description

Readings from the history of philosophy (and religion, and law) on the nature and source of the obligation created by a promise, if indeed a promise can create an obligation. This will necessarily involve a certain amount of discussion of other things. For example: special types of promise such as vows, oaths, and contracts; virtues and/or duties that may be related to the obligation of promises, meaning, for the most part, the virtues and/or duties of justice and veracity (truthfulness); and, because promises are usually (always?) expressed in language, general issues about the force and function of language.

Course Requirements

Course Requirements

Seminar participation. One in-class presentation (approximately 15 minutes for presentation and 15 minutes for discussion). One final paper (approximately 10–20 pages), due Wednesday, December 7.

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