General Information

Contact Information

 Abe Stone (
 Cowell Annex A-106
Phone (office):
Zoom class meeting:
Zoom office hours:
 Mon. noon–1:00pm; Wed. 3:00–4:00pm

Course Requirements

Seminar participation. One in-class presentation (approximately 15 minutes for presentation and 15 minutes for discussion). One final paper (approximately 15–20 pages), due Wednesday, December 16.


John Locke, Second Treatise of Government
 (Hackett) (ISBN: 978-0915144860).
The Two Treatises of Government are available on Google Books (the Second Treatise begins on p. 187) and LibriVox (the Second Treatise begins with section 15), and the Second Treatise is also available on Wikisource.
Locke, An Essay concerning Human Understanding
 (Penguin, 1998) (ISBN: 0140434828).
The Essay is also available on Google Books and Wikisource. In addition, there are the following LibriVox recordings: books I and II; book II (alternate); book III; book IV.

The above texts can be ordered from the Bay Tree Bookstore. Additional readings will be made available via public link or on Canvas.

Creative Commons License This document, and all other instructor-generated material in this course, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.