
Due, as an attachment, via the “Assignments” tool on Canvas, by 11:55pm Wednesday, March 4 (in PDF or any format easily converted to PDF, e.g. MSWord, OpenOffice, LATE X, RTF, plain text).

Respond to any one of the prompts listed here in 2–3 pages (double spaced).

The questions are keyed to different sections of the reading, with the idea that each question is raised most centrally in a certain section. However, you can and should use material from anywhere in the text where it’s relevant to the answer.

Some of the prompts are in the nature of suggestions for the topic of a very short original essay; others are more like questions which just required an answer. Even in the latter case, however, the answer can never simply be read out of the texts, nor is it clear that there is just one “correct” answer (although there are certainly incorrect ones). And, of course, as usual, your answer must be “original” in the sense that it is your own work. (If you use any outside source — which I don’t recommend — you must cite it.)[1]If you have any questions about policies on plagiarism and related issues, please see To cite any of the texts assigned for class, just provide enough information for me to find the source (page number, short title and/or author if not clear from context).

There is no need for a title page or bibliography. Keep introductions and conclusions to a minimum.

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